The Reality Is That George Zimmerman Just Might Get Off For Murder…

Axiom Amnesia is a website that provides thought-provoking commentary on social, political, and philosophical principles. Analysis of today’s news and popular beliefs dispelling myths, dogma, and superstition, which are the causes of most social ills and suffering around the world.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in augue at justo scelerisque dignissim. Integer lacinia ornare nunc, imperdiet laoreet sapien aliquam eu. Praesent congue tincidunt mauris vitae ultricies. Maecenas id ligula eu ligula facilisis laoreet. Integer a velit eget enim fringilla eleifend vel ut leo. Vivamus nisl nisl, rutrum eu accumsan a, auctor quis sapien. Mauris vestibulum ultrices arcu in tincidunt. Phasellus congue bibendum elit nec fringilla. Sed pellentesque tortor non sem hendrerit sagittis. Sed et nibh nec quam pulvinar adipiscing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt pretium vulputate. Etiam malesuada consequat urna. Nam adipiscing libero vitae lectus porta vulputate. Nam iaculis dolor et odio suscipit eget consectetur diam molestie. Suspendisse eu interdum urna.

Nunc eu lectus erat. Quisque vel massa massa, non ultrices tellus. Aliquam quis dui ut felis pharetra pretium non porttitor leo. Proin eu libero bibendum sem laoreet interdum eget non odio. Etiam viverra malesuada nisi vitae laoreet. Duis ipsum velit, dignissim ut facilisis ac, congue molestie ante. Nullam quis massa id justo tempus scelerisque et nec enim.

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, it means you’re one of the few people who actually practice Axiom Amnesia. It means that you actually take the time to read the articles, and do more than just comment on headlines.

Be sure to tune in to the next episode of The Axiom Amnesia Theory with Heit & Cheri, as we’ll talk about this little experiment!

FYI, this headline is actually true, and we’ll tell you more about it very soon.
Also, do us a favor and comment below saying that you practice Axiom Amnesia!

About the Author

Heit & Cheri

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